Feed the spirit. Grow the mind.
At ArrowMight Learning for Life, we know that academic struggles are often symptomatic of overwhelming personal challenges. That is why our Learning for Life literacy program is designed to develop skills and build self-confidence.
The ArrowMight program forms a human connection—a mutual friendship between onscreen teachers and adult learners. Humble, respectful and warm, the TeleTeachers present curriculum content through conversation. A student voice asks questions, contributes knowledge from his own life experiences, and shares his worries and insecurities. As a result, lessons unfold in a smooth-flowing, culturally-sensitive dialogue to which people at home can relate.
Captivated, motivated and encouraged, students gain a deeper appreciation of their cultures, learn valuable skills, and begin to recognize the many rewarding life opportunities open to them. They are supported in their learning by community-based Facilitators who offer encouragement and mentorship, and add a critical human component to the multimedia program.
Read on to learn more about the Learning for Life program's: